Hotels in Penrith

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Hotels in Penrith

Askham Hall

Askham Hall


With a Michelin-starred restaurant, Grade II listed garden, 17th-century pele tower and French drawing room, Askham Hall sounds as if it might be very formal; not a bit of it.
  • weddings
  • child_friendly
  • walking
  • bird_watching
  • garden
  • value
  • dog_friendly
  • wifi
  • romantic
  • rooms_with_a_view
  • outdoor_pool
  • historic
  • view
  • disabled
  • wheelchair_accessible
  • disabled_facilities
  • gourmet
  • outdoor_pursuits_hunting
  • conferencemeeting_friendly
  • wildlife_watching
  • fishing
  • for_winelovers
  • horse_riding
  • foodie
  • electric_charging_point
  • country_house
  • cycling
  • restaurant_with_rooms
  • hot_tub_jacuzzi
  • babyfriendly
  • vegetarian_friendly
  • great_breakfast
  • parking
Howtown Hotel

Howtown Hotel


If you want a hotel with hi-tech wizardry and hot tubs, this place is not for you, but ‘if you are happy with traditional hospitality’ and ‘like to be cosseted, Howtown Hotel will do nicely’.
  • child_friendly
  • walking
  • garden
  • value
  • fishing
  • wifi
  • rooms_with_a_view
  • view
  • horse_riding
  • wildlife_watching
  • bird_watching
  • dog_friendly
  • veganfriendly
  • vegetarian_friendly
  • parking
  • country_house
  • historic
  • wheelchair_accessible
The House at Temple Sowerby

The House at Temple Sowerby


Welcoming owners ensure guests’ dogs feel at home at their country house B&B, an elegant retreat in the Eden valley, with well-appointed bedrooms in the main house and coach house, and first-class breakfasts.
  • walking
  • garden
  • value
  • dog_friendly
  • wifi
  • conference_meeting
  • activities
  • wine
  • vegetarian_friendly
  • child_friendly
  • wheelchair_accessible
  • great_breakfast
  • country_house
  • electric_charging_point
  • rooms_with_a_view
  • parking
  • cycling
  • good_value
Westmorland Hotel

Westmorland Hotel


Banish images of fast-food outlets and slot machines when you break your journey at Tebay on wild and woolly Shap Fell, 60 miles from the Scottish border.
  • child_friendly
  • walking
  • value
  • dog_friendly
  • disabled_facilities
  • wifi
  • exceptional_value
  • rooms_with_a_view
  • conference_meeting
  • view
  • disabled
  • good_value
  • conferencemeeting_friendly
  • babyfriendly
  • wheelchair_accessible
  • vegetarian_friendly
  • great_breakfast
  • parking
  • electric_charging_point
  • veganfriendly
The Queen’s Head

The Queen’s Head


Cosy, low-ceilinged and wood fire-warmed, this smartly refurbished 17th-century pub in the centre of a Lake District village is ‘friendly, fun and very convivial’.
  • babyfriendly
  • child_friendly
  • cycling
  • disabled_facilities
  • dog_friendly
  • fishing
  • historic
  • outdoor_pursuits_hunting
  • parking
  • pub_with_rooms
  • veganfriendly
  • vegetarian_friendly
  • walking
  • wheelchair_accessible
  • wildlife_watching
  • guest_house
  • outdoor_dining
  • foodie
  • for_winelovers
  • gourmet


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Last updated: May 18, 2017