Hotels in Lincoln

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Hotels in Lincoln

Bridleway Bed & Breakfast

Bridleway Bed & Breakfast


Tucked away down a farm track just three miles from the city centre, this rustic-chic B&B wins praise for its 'beautiful accommodation in a quiet, restful setting'.
  • bird_watching
  • garden
  • great_breakfast
  • horse_riding
  • parking
  • vegetarian_friendly
  • walking
  • wifi
  • adultsonly
  • boutique
  • cycling
  • outdoor_dining
  • conferencemeeting_friendly
  • good_value

Hotels not in the Guide that you may want to consider

Hotels in Lincoln

The Castle Hotel

The Castle Hotel


On the site of the Roman Forum, this Bailgate area hotel is well located between cathedral and castle. Comfortable, compact bedrooms in the main building, decorated in earthy hues, overlook the castle walls or have views of the medieval cathedral. Courtyard rooms are in the peaceful 250-year-old coach house, all conveniently on the ground floor, with parking just outside. Contemporary dishes are served for lunch and dinner in Reform restaurant (Wednesday to Saturday), and at lunchtime on Sundays.
Check availability
  • weddings
  • child_friendly
  • disabled_facilities
  • wifi
  • parking
  • conference_meeting
  • disabled
  • wheelchair_accessible
  • vegetarian_friendly
  • babyfriendly
The Rest Hotel Lincoln

The Rest Hotel Lincoln


On a quaint, steep, cobbled street, an old parish hall has been imaginatively converted into a chic B&B with an on-site coffee shop. The Castle and Cathedral are a five-minute walk away,
Check availability
  • bb
  • wifi
  • child_friendly
  • garden
The Old Palace Lodge

The Old Palace Lodge


In converted ecclesiastical buildings, with foundations dating back to medieval times, an atmospheric B&B. Comfortable bedrooms have opulent fabrics, old church doors, large leaded windows. A continental breakfast is delivered to your room.
Check availability
  • wifi
  • child_friendly
  • parking
  • rooms_with_a_view


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Last updated: March 08, 2023