GHG Postbag–Fawlty Towers

‘Very busy with a wedding. We took dinner, but at 7 pm half the dishes were not available. And what we ate was nothing like the description on the menu. Given a key for a recently updated double bedroom. Someone liked dark brown. An enormous dark brown leather bedhead fixed to the wall, overpowering the room. Nowhere to put the suitcases. Just on the floor The waste bin in the bathroom was broken and fell to bits. Newly fitted doors along the corridor banging all night. Breakfast available. help yourself. I mentioned that we couldn’t see what there was.” Well, it is just the usual,” I was told.’

‘The television was mounted on the ceiling, and could be viewed comfortably only from a prone position, and the remote worked sporadically so it was difficult to change channels or even turn the television on or off. It took some while to find the main switch to turn power on to the TV as this was inside a cupboard. We tried a DVD but the function on the remote to switch inputs did not work.’

‘Our evening meal was disappointing. My starter had clearly been rescued only recently from the freezer. I left most of it, and when asked if I had enjoyed it, said exactly what I thought, but I obtained little in the way of an apology and certainly no reduction in the bill. My main course of steak was OK. but no better than I have had in chain restaurants. Waiting staff were friendly but seemed lacking in training, and would answer “no worries” to every “thank you”.’