Hotels near Kelmarsh Hall

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Hotels near Kelmarsh Hall

The Falcon

The Falcon

Castle Ashby - 15 miles away

Well-being is at the heart of this ‘rather lovely boutique hotel’, a reinvented 16th-century coaching inn, where guests enjoy nature walks, yoga and the run of Castle Ashby's pleasure grounds.
  • bird_watching
  • cycling
  • disabled_facilities
  • dog_friendly
  • electric_charging_point
  • fishing
  • garden
  • historic
  • horse_riding
  • outdoor_dining
  • parking
  • rooms_with_a_view
  • veganfriendly
  • vegetarian_friendly
  • walking
  • weddings
  • wheelchair_accessible
  • wildlife_watching
  • outdoor_pursuits_hunting
  • foodie
  • conferencemeeting_friendly
  • hot_tub_jacuzzi
  • boutique
  • child_friendly
Lake Isle

Lake Isle

Uppingham - 15 miles away

There is no isle here, no lake, no bee-loud glade, but the name of Richard and Janine Burton's lauded restaurant-with-rooms draws inspiration from W.B. Yeats’s Innisfree, a place of serenity and escape.
  • value
  • wifi
  • parking
  • exceptional_value
  • conference_meeting
  • restaurantwithrooms
  • vegetarian_friendly
  • for_winelovers
  • great_breakfast
  • foodie
  • boutique
  • dog_friendly
  • child_friendly
  • historic
  • outdoor_dining
  • good_value
  • hot_tub_jacuzzi
Lower Farm

Lower Farm

Oundle - 20 miles away

On the edge of a tranquil village, yet only 10 minutes from historic Oundle, the Marriott family offers comfortable B&B rooms in converted buildings on their traditional arable farm.
  • babyfriendly
  • child_friendly
  • disabled_facilities
  • dog_friendly
  • ecofriendly
  • garden
  • good_value
  • great_breakfast
  • parking
  • vegetarian_friendly
  • walking
  • wheelchair_accessible
  • wifi
  • cycling
  • fishing
  • veganfriendly
  • bird_watching

Hotels not in the Guide that you may want to consider

Hotels near Kelmarsh Hall

The Hopping Hare

The Hopping Hare

NORTHAMPTON - 11 miles away

Standing grandly over more recent housing development, this brick-built former manor house is two miles outside the town. The family-owned hotel includes a destination restaurant, a stylish bar, fireside sofas and intimate spaces for drinking and dining. Bright jewel colours run through to pleasing bedrooms.
Check availability
  • wifi
  • parking
  • child_friendly
Ecton House

Ecton House

NORTHAMPTON - 11 miles away

Painstakingly restored, a Grade II listed former rectory in peaceful grounds opposite Ecton village church and within walking distance of a local pub and restaurant. A continental breakfast is served in the elegant oak-beamed dining room, which has an original inglenook fireplace. Five miles from Northampton town centre.
Check availability
  • wifi
  • garden
The Walnut Tree Inn

The Walnut Tree Inn

Northampton - 16 miles away

Convenient for Silverstone, the hotel once served as a stopover for Victorian railway travellers: high speed trains still run along its front. The restaurant is popular for rib eye steaks and seasonal menus. Bedrooms are straightforward; breakfasts are tasty. Music and comedy events are regularly held. On the outskirts of Blisworth, 6 miles from Northampton,
Check availability
  • wifi
  • garden
  • child_friendly
  • babyfriendly
  • parking
  • weddings
  • veganfriendly
  • vegetarian_friendly
The Belmont

The Belmont

LEICESTER - 17 miles away

On leafy New Walk, this welcoming family-owned town hotel is formed from a row of Victorian residences. It is within easy reach of the city and station, the King Richard III Visitor Centre and the University.
Check availability
  • weddings
  • child_friendly
  • disabled_facilities
  • wifi
  • parking
  • exceptional_value
  • disabled
  • conferencemeeting_friendly
St Martins Lodge

St Martins Lodge

LEICESTER - 18 miles away

In the historic quarter, adjacent to the King Richard 111 Visitor Centre. a beautifully renovated Grade II listed Georgian building, decorated in greys, monochrome patterns and pastel pink. Many bedrooms offer unrestricted views of Leicester Cathedral. Reception is in a separate building (St Martins House). Breakfast is not provided, but the area offers a wide choice of coffee shops, tea houses, bars and restaurants.
Check availability
  • wifi
  • wheelchair_accessible
  • child_friendly
  • conferencemeeting_friendly


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Last updated: March 08, 2023