Hotels with disabled facilities in Suffolk

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Each of these hotels has at least one bedroom equipped for a visitor in a wheelchair. You should contact the hotel to discuss individual requirements.

Hotels with disabled facilities in Suffolk

Hotels not in the Guide that you may want to consider

Hotels with disabled facilities in Suffolk

Milsoms Kesgrave Hall Hotel

Milsoms Kesgrave Hall Hotel


Just outside Ipswich, a country house hotel with a relaxed atmosphere. Modern, spacious bedrooms have large beds, luxury toiletries, and a minibar stocked with complimentary soft drinks and biscuits. The informal restaurant is open all day for brasserie dishes such as Ingley Dell pork fillet, roasted breast of Sutton Hoo chicken and chargrilled steaks. Overlooking sweeping lawns, a covered terrace is ideal for outdoor dining or afternoon tea.
Check availability
  • child_friendly
  • dog_friendly
  • disabled_facilities
  • wifi
  • parking
  • garden
  • wheelchair_accessible


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Last updated: September 29, 2024